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Lifestyle Freedom & Pivot Questions

Recently I sat down with my friend Vincent Pugliese for his excellent Total Life Freedom Podcast. In this episode we discuss lifestyle freedom and he pulled out so many of the foundational, pivotal stories from my career. If you wanted to know more about my journey then this show is for you. 

Becoming an entrepreneur is not all it's cracked up to be. Lots of twists and turns, some highs and lows throughout the chapters of life already written. From the heady days of politics and White House Christmas dinners to a house fire and almost losing a child you'll hear how the journeys of business can take unusual turns. 

In this episode, one area that stuck out to many was my personal "pivot retreat" and a list of questions I had to answer. Since this episode aired I've had many people approach me about this list of questions. So I've put them together here for you. Feel free to download and use personally or professionally as you wish. May they help you clarify your calling and...

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Duties of an Entrepreneur - And How To Delegate Them

Let's discuss maximizing your potential as an entrepreneur.

As we repeatedly checked several important factors in previous posts, we noted some elements that kept on coming up. So from our deep-dive on creating guidelines for business owners to scale up, we’ve determined the top three duties of an entrepreneur and how to delegate them.

Business Strategist

Whether you are in retailing, a tech startup or a service provider, you are the master planner of the venture you’ve decided to take on. When starting out, you should be the one to clearly identify who your customers will be and what your product or service offerings are. You must establish how these deliverables are going to be completed. And finally, you must have a clear view of how are you going to make money out of it.

As the business grows, however, delegating this may become necessary. As one of the top duties of an entrepreneur, passing this on to someone else could be tricky. To effectively scale up, you might...

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3 of My Favorite Top Leadership Books

Have You Read Any of These?

It’s been attributed to Jim Rohn “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”  When I first started out in my personal and professional development journey, I read as much as I could get my hands on - especially top leadership books.  I was growing a business and leading a team - I needed help.

James Altucher once said, “Read every book, blog, website, whatever about what you want to be an expert in.”  These authors became my mentors and “friends” early on in my journey.

They spoke to me in ways mere humans could not, they were a constant companion when I was still an isolated entrepreneur.  They were there by my bed stand, in hotel rooms, on planes and while I was at my local coffee shop.

These are some of my recent favorites – so whether you’re looking for a fresh source of inspiration, education, or just plain entertainment, consider checking these out....

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Ways To Work With Chris

How Can I Serve You? 

What are some ways I work with small business owners and online entrepreneurs? Let's explore the multiple ways to connect via an active coaching relationship, consulting, going through a course or a blend of all.  Plus, some FREE ways to learn from me through some free content I share online through blogs and podcasts.

“Hey, can I pick your brain?”  

You’ve probably heard this before, maybe even said it - I know I have. (As an aside, doesn’t it sound like brain-picking would hurt?!)  

I’m asked this often and have spent countless hours over meals, coffee, phone calls and Zoom meetings with people wanting to talk shop. But there’s only so much of me to go around - and I’m reserving more of that for family these days. As my time is less available, I wanted to point out some ways I can help you without even hiring me. 

What follows is a sequential way where I’ve served out...

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