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A Simple & Effective Delegation Hack


I need more time! (Ever thought or said this?)

Although we all get the same amount of time daily, it's how we use it that counts. 

As I coach and help fellow small business owners, one key area we work in is DELEGATION. 

Learning to effectively delegate is an art and a science. It's something I've had to learn and refine in my own businesses over the years.

Through effective delegation, you'll work less, make more and have more time to spend with your loved ones. 

Here's a simple but effective place to start if you're not sure what you'd like to delegate. 

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How to Delegate Work To Employees

The efficient process on how to delegate work to employees is a crucial factor for an organization to run like a well-oiled machine. This also increases productivity and it is a practice common to effective leaders. Although common knowledge, many are struggling to implement delegation effectively. Here are five crucial tips on how to delegate work to employees:

1. Make a delegation list.

You may already have one, but the goal of this is to revisit all deliverables to identify tasks to delegate to the staff, and tasks that are crucial. Some examples for these deliverables are final approval on projects, unless there is someone on the team sure-footed in making these final decisions. Also, it is essential to assess the size of the workforce to determine the quantity of the workload to delegate.

2. Categorize deliverables and set milestones for delegation.

Now that the to-do list is complete, determine tasks to accomplish daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. Sort them into milestones...

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How to Delegate Tasks Effectively

Delegating helps you get more done and is essential to being an effective leader. To realize your organization’s maximum capacity, learn to improve the skill of effective delegation. Just like any other skill, this can be acquired and enhanced. Here are three proven tricks on how to delegate tasks effectively and watch your team succeed.

1. Trust your team as you delegate.

Sometimes it can be difficult for a dedicated entrepreneur or a leader to trust someone else to do something that they have mastered through time. Being able to trust that your subordinates can learn the abilities and skills required to complete a deliverable efficiently is crucial.

If you are uncomfortable about this, start with delegating the smallest responsibilities. Then progressively increase the responsibility. Your concern should be the outcome, not the minute details of the process. This will give you time to get to know your employee’s strengths and weaknesses and builds camaraderie among the...

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Annual Income Calculator

Use the annual income calculator below to track how much you'd like to make each year.  In addition, consider the variables and impact of how many hours and weeks you'd like to work?  Carefully considering your goals and calculating will help yield information on how to structure your business.

How Much Annual Income Do You Wish To Make In A Year?

How many hours a week do you wish to work?  50? 30?  Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the average US worker puts in 44 hours per week, Gallup and other polls put the number between 47-49 hours. (And Forbes and Inc magazine calculate the average entrepreneur works nearly 60 hours per week.)

How many vacation days do you want off completely each year?   (Did you know the average US citizen takes 17.2 days off each year according to the US government?)

Get Clear On Your Ideal Numbers With This Calculator

Check out this annual income calculator to determine all these variables and what your hourly rate...

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Standard Operating Procedure Guidelines Every Entrepreneur Should Follow

Having standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place increases your efficiency and optimizes your business processes. All businesses in any industry and scale must follow standard operating procedure guidelines.

Following a standard operating procedure guideline will improve your continuity and service to customers. This also helps whenever you need to train new members of the workforce, as procedures will already be outlined for them.

Every entrepreneur should follow these standard operating procedure guidelines. The success here is the ability to automate processes, transfer skills, and dexterity to focus on the bigger picture of growing your business. In this article, we walk through standard operating procedure guidelines to empower your organization.

While it is best to write down everything you do, this is not always possible due to time constraints.

Based on a deep-dive analysis on our experiences and research, these are the three most important standard operating...

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3 Examples of Business Systems Entrepreneurs Use

Many small and medium-scale entrepreneurs handle the operational tasks of the business themselves. Yet they recognize the fact that an entrepreneur should work "on" the business not "in" it. These examples of small business systems creation are crucial to grow and scale your business.

Sometimes it is just because there are too many options to choose from when looking for examples of business systems entrepreneurs use. This results in being inundated with too many small tasks and duties that need to be done daily.

These repeatable activities - left to the entrepreneur - create bottlenecks in scaling up the business. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid these roadblocks.

Here are 3 examples of small business systems entrepreneurs can use

  1. SweetProcess

Whatever industry you belong, your business goals must be clear - and these goals must include clear processes. As a business owner, the role you must prioritize is to organize your own processes to delegate. Pretty obvious, and easier...

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Ways To Work With Chris

How Can I Serve You? 

What are some ways I work with small business owners and online entrepreneurs? Let's explore the multiple ways to connect via an active coaching relationship, consulting, going through a course or a blend of all.  Plus, some FREE ways to learn from me through some free content I share online through blogs and podcasts.

“Hey, can I pick your brain?”  

You’ve probably heard this before, maybe even said it - I know I have. (As an aside, doesn’t it sound like brain-picking would hurt?!)  

I’m asked this often and have spent countless hours over meals, coffee, phone calls and Zoom meetings with people wanting to talk shop. But there’s only so much of me to go around - and I’m reserving more of that for family these days. As my time is less available, I wanted to point out some ways I can help you without even hiring me. 

What follows is a sequential way where I’ve served out...

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