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A Simple & Effective Delegation Hack


I need more time! (Ever thought or said this?)

Although we all get the same amount of time daily, it's how we use it that counts. 

As I coach and help fellow small business owners, one key area we work in is DELEGATION. 

Learning to effectively delegate is an art and a science. It's something I've had to learn and refine in my own businesses over the years.

Through effective delegation, you'll work less, make more and have more time to spend with your loved ones. 

Here's a simple but effective place to start if you're not sure what you'd like to delegate. 

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Importance of Delegation


Embrace the importance of delegation. We explore examples and advantages of delegation - down to the time and money saved by delegating. When you learn how to delegate effectively you'll realize the benefits of delegating - and start looking for even more reasons for delegation in your personal and professional life.

It's time to work smarter, not harder - learn some ways through these delegation tips. Explore delegation techniques. Work smart, not hard and apply how to be more productive.

Brought to you by www.ChrisNiemeyer.com, founder of the FREEDOM Business System.

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4 PROVEN Ways to Save 200+ Hours a Year

4 PROVEN Ways to Save 200+ Hours a Year

-How to Create More Time & Financial Freedom 

What follows are 4 ways to save at least 200 hours a year of your time. What would you rather be doing with that time?  Say you work a 50-hour workweek like most Americans do.  How would you like to spend 4 more weeks a year with your family, traveling or doing more of what you love?  Read on to discover ways to work less...


WAY #1

12 Minutes That Will Change Your Life

A simple delegation tactic to save you hours. 

Delegation.  You’ve heard it, maybe struggled with it but know it’s powerful if you embrace it. Admittedly, learning how to delegate effectively is not something learned overnight.  If you are good at what you do, you’ve likely mastered your craft and have found some ways to be good at other areas of your business. Learning to let go – and the fear of losing control – is real for many entrepreneurs. ...

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Duties of an Entrepreneur - And How To Delegate Them

Let's discuss maximizing your potential as an entrepreneur.

As we repeatedly checked several important factors in previous posts, we noted some elements that kept on coming up. So from our deep-dive on creating guidelines for business owners to scale up, we’ve determined the top three duties of an entrepreneur and how to delegate them.

Business Strategist

Whether you are in retailing, a tech startup or a service provider, you are the master planner of the venture you’ve decided to take on. When starting out, you should be the one to clearly identify who your customers will be and what your product or service offerings are. You must establish how these deliverables are going to be completed. And finally, you must have a clear view of how are you going to make money out of it.

As the business grows, however, delegating this may become necessary. As one of the top duties of an entrepreneur, passing this on to someone else could be tricky. To effectively scale up, you might...

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How To Delegate

Save At Least 50 Hours a Year with this One Delegation Tactic.

Admittedly, learning how to delegate effectively is not something learned overnight.  If you are good at what you do, you've likely mastered your craft and have found some ways to be good at other areas of your business. Learning to let go - and the fear of losing control - is real for many entrepreneurs.  Delegation takes practice, refinement, and updating.  But you have to start!  Let's dive in to see why delegating is so effective and ways to get started in learning how to delegate.

Let's Start With A Delegation Example

If you're in business, you're collecting money. (Last time I checked you had to be making some money to be in business.)  So let's start here and discuss one small area of your workweek in collecting payments.

Let's say you've mostly automated your invoicing, reconciling payments, etc.  You've got it down to a science and you can do all the manual invoicing or reviewing of...

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How to Delegate Work To Employees

The efficient process on how to delegate work to employees is a crucial factor for an organization to run like a well-oiled machine. This also increases productivity and it is a practice common to effective leaders. Although common knowledge, many are struggling to implement delegation effectively. Here are five crucial tips on how to delegate work to employees:

1. Make a delegation list.

You may already have one, but the goal of this is to revisit all deliverables to identify tasks to delegate to the staff, and tasks that are crucial. Some examples for these deliverables are final approval on projects, unless there is someone on the team sure-footed in making these final decisions. Also, it is essential to assess the size of the workforce to determine the quantity of the workload to delegate.

2. Categorize deliverables and set milestones for delegation.

Now that the to-do list is complete, determine tasks to accomplish daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. Sort them into milestones...

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What is the Purpose of Delegation?

Delegation is crucial for an organization’s performance and enhancement. It is one of the core components of management leadership. This can be very difficult, as many leaders fail to realize the purpose of delegation and importance of delegating tasks. It is not just the business leaders who are benefited from delegation, but the employees of an organization too.

Ultimately, there are three main purpose of delegation.

1. Smarter time management

A common mistake leaders make is thinking they can always do things better than their subordinates. As soon as you step inside your office, you check your emails, then the phone rings, then an employee steps in to have you confirm and approve a minute detail about a task that you could have easily passed on, before you know it, you’re running behind schedule. And you haven’t even begun your own schedule.

If your employees are so used to having to ask you for every step they make, in every nook and cranny they need to check,...

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How to Delegate Tasks Effectively

Delegating helps you get more done and is essential to being an effective leader. To realize your organization’s maximum capacity, learn to improve the skill of effective delegation. Just like any other skill, this can be acquired and enhanced. Here are three proven tricks on how to delegate tasks effectively and watch your team succeed.

1. Trust your team as you delegate.

Sometimes it can be difficult for a dedicated entrepreneur or a leader to trust someone else to do something that they have mastered through time. Being able to trust that your subordinates can learn the abilities and skills required to complete a deliverable efficiently is crucial.

If you are uncomfortable about this, start with delegating the smallest responsibilities. Then progressively increase the responsibility. Your concern should be the outcome, not the minute details of the process. This will give you time to get to know your employee’s strengths and weaknesses and builds camaraderie among the...

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